리리북스는 캐나다 첫 온라인 어린이 전문 서점입니다. 
전집 판매 | 책과 교구 공동구매 | 그림책 판매를 하고 있습니다. 

Riribooks is a Canadian online bookstore specializing in Korean Children’s books for the next generation of Korean-Canadians. We believe in the importance of bilingual upbringing for children who are born between two cultures. We bring the best selection of picture books from notable Korean publishers to help children develop and foster their mother tongue language through reading.

We hope our books bring fun and meaningful language exposure to your child and make process of learning a language more engaging. We hope you enjoy these books as much as we enjoy bringing it to you. 





이동 회전책장 & 멀티 트롤리

공동구매 PRE SALE OPEN 3/11-3/22

